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Welcome to The Newcomers' League!

If you're new to GO Darts this is where you will start! The Newcomers League is FREE to all those who want to try us out. This is where you will see if you like what we offer and where we will see if you are reliable, honest and committed. It will also help us to determine your match average and to see that your video equipment produces a decent view of your board. Newcomer Groups are a great place to get comfortable before moving into the paid divisions and other competitions.


All 3 round robin games in The Newcomers' League are 501, single in, double out, best of 7. All matches are scored on DartCounter. All matches are also played on video, either Discord or DartCounter. Audio is preferred but not compulsory. We are a friendly league, so we like to talk to each other. Your camera must be set at the height of the bull and give a clear picture of the whole board. All rules can be read HERE.


If you would like to join or find out more,

please join our Discord server

or send a message using
the Messenger or WhatsApp links below.

  • discord
  • Whatsapp
  • facebook-messenger-icon_6020387b02c5a





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