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All standard dart rules apply. Any form of cheating will result in the guilty player being removed from the league. Greater emphasis should be placed on integrity than on winning at all cost. This is a fun league to foster the love of darts and the building of friendships, not the world championship. To see our policy on cheating, click HERE.


One game is played per week. After consulting the fixtures list, players must contact their opponent, arrange and complete their game during the time period allotted for that round. By mutual agreement, the time of the game can be moved outside the allotted time frame. Failure to keep to the schedule may result in removal from the league.


All matches are to be played on camera, either using Discord or DartCounter and preferably with the audio on. Cameras should be mounted at the same height as the bull and close enough so that the board fills the screen. Cameras should be mounted firmly and should not move around. Each player should confirm that their opponent's board is clearly visible.


1. All games are to be scored on DartCounter Ultimate. No other scoring app is permissible.


2. Games are: 501, best of 7, straight in, double out.


3. The player to start the game is determined by each player throwing 3 darts at the bull, scoring 1 point for hitting the outer bull and 2 points for hitting the inner bull. Players will keep throwing, until there is a clear winner. If players are only using DartCounter, the player with the lower league average will throw first.


4. The time per throw shall not be set to no less than 40 seconds. You are not permitted to throw before your opponent has entered their score.


5. After the game is completed, a screenshot of the final score should be posted on the Discord group chat and each player shall submit their score using the link provided. The standings and statistics will be updated automatically.


1. Points are awarded as follows: 2 for a win, 0 for a loss.

2. If a player can show that his opponent was unavailable during the allotted time, he will be recorded as the winner with a score of 5-0 and will receive 2 points. If both players are available but not at the same time, a draw will be recorded and each player will receive 1 point. However, it is preferred that the game is organised for another time, rather than that points are awarded for not playing.


3. If a player falls out during the league, all their results will be zeroed. However, their statistics will remain.


The highest ranked player is first determined by points awarded, followed by greatest leg difference, followed by most legs won, followed by highest average.


Players who join for the first time are asked to provide their current average. In their first season they will play in The Newcomers' League to determine the accuracy of their average. Once their actual match average is determined, and if they have played all the games they could have, they will move from The Newcomers' League into The BIG League and will be grouped with other players according to their average.


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