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1 - 21 DECEMBER 2024


  1. One match of 501 every 3 days

  2. Players grouped by average for group stage, matches are first to 5

  3. Winners of group stage play for Cup, losers play for Plate

  4. Knockout stage is first to 6, 7, 8 and 9

  5. £10 to enter

  6. Cup 1st place wins £80, 2nd place £40 

  7. Plate 1st place wins £60, 2nd place £30

  8. All games to be played on camera using Discord or DartCounter

  9. All games to be scored on DartCounter

  10. Three darts at bull to determine who starts, or player with lower average

  11. By entering, all players agree to play all matches

  12. No refunds for falling out

  13. Prize money to be paid into bank account



Back in the day, GO Darts began as "Darts​ Obsession". As a reminder of our beginnings we carry on the tradition of playing the original Cup and Plate competition: "The Obsession Cup of Darts".

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